
brown university performing arts study

brown university performing arts study

After completing a framework plan with Brown University, we explored several arts studies. A main premise of the framework was to enhance interdisciplinary collaboration on campus, and in this initiative we explored a detailed arts district consolidation of the performing, music, and visual arts in the campus' core academic zone.

The idea proposes linking existing historic theater arts buildings already in the core with a new facility that consolidates music and visual arts facilities within the district. A simple, purposeful array of transparent studio environments are placed to enliven a major campus walk, engage neighboring arts buildings, and utilize the transparent first and second floor work and practice spaces as windows into active studios for both visitors and constituents. The current green is refined to provide a more intimate connection to proposed building lobbies, extend connections into adjacent campus districts, establish a lighting idea in concert with the transparent building interiors, and establish bolder avenues of trees with sitting areas to enhance the perimeter of the green.

The work included technical innovation to overcome below grade tunnel conditions and optimization of daylight and sound conditions. It coordinated potential phasing scenarios dictated by current capital availability and fundraising aspirations.