
colgate university framework plan

colgate university framework plan

Colgate’s framework plan outlines a development path for a 21st century liberal arts university with physical strategies that are essential to its future competitiveness. The plan grows organically from three principles: develop a compact campus, enhance campus systems, and promote community. The principles provide an evaluation framework against which specific implementation proposals, and new unforeseen opportunities, can be evaluated. They provide dynamism while also ensuring the integrity of the long-term vision. The plan evolved out of an exhaustive highly collaborative eighteen month process anchored in a rigorous analysis phase that closely examined topics like existing campus conditions, space, systems, and sustainability. The analysis ensured the principles are a direct response to the university’s most critical issues. While the master plan is unquestionably ambitious, the realities of likely funding and scheduling were key considerations throughout. As a result, the plan provides clear phasing strategies, with a near-term emphasis on new residential life facilities, changes to campus circulation, hydrology improvements, and the renovation and enlargement of student life facilities.

DumontJanks team members led the development of the above project while employed by Sasaki Associates, Inc. DumontJanks is not associated with Sasaki.