
colgate university residential and campus life study

colgate university residential and campus life study

Colgate University believes that place-based education offers a competitive advantage. For these academic advantages to be fully realized, they must be connected to a holistic student environment. The Colgate residential and campus life story is therefore central to the university’s future success. At Colgate, the primary challenge is to better integrate the academic and residential experience, particularly given concerns over community cohesion, campus citizenship, Title IX and accountability, and the dispersal of half the student body off the hill. While first year students generally live in the upper quad, they tend to move down and off the hill during their time at Colgate. The condition of the upper quad dormitories, their good location notwithstanding, is poor. The resulting plan proposes to encourage intergenerational living, integrate advising, promote civic engagement, create more space for socializing and study, provide significant residential replacement over the next ten to twenty years, reintegrate the dispersed student population, increase support for student life, and reinforce a sense of community by developing mixed-class-year learning environments. The study provided realistic strategies for capital investment over a twenty year period.

DumontJanks team members led the development of the above project while employed by Sasaki Associates, Inc. DumontJanks is not associated with Sasaki.