
university of delaware space utilization study <br  />university of delaware instructional space update <br />university of delaware campus master plan

university of delaware space utilization study
university of delaware instructional space update
university of delaware campus master plan

The University of Delaware Space Utilization Study examined the use of academic and student life space at the Newark campus. Given a context of likely constrained capital and operating resources, the study identifed opportunities for efficiency improvements and suggested small-scale renovation prototypes that test innovative solutions for campus space needs. Our primary fndings were that space issues at Delaware were more issues of quality than quantity and that a more robust active space management function represented a signifcant value proposition for the university. On the financial side, we explored potential changes to the university budget model that would better enable it to emphasize reinvestment in existing facilities.

After completing the initial space study, the university’s new president established an ambitious enrollment growth plan. DumontJanks worked on an update to the university’s instructional space use plan to determine, at the level of individual majors, what growth can be absorbed in existing facilities, and how existing facilities could potentially be reoriented to minimize the need for new construction. Through these efforts, we were able to limit additional space needs to core science labs, primarily in biology.

Finally, DumontJanks is now collaborating with SOM on a new campus master plan. Our work to date has focused on stakeholder engagement, and the identifcation of key themes and issues. along with general responsibility for academic and library space planning issues.

DumontJanks team members led the development of portions of the above project while employed by Sasaki Associates, Inc. DumontJanks is not associated with Sasaki.