
the wharton school space plan and space plan update

the wharton school space plan and space plan update

We have twice developed space plans with the Wharton School, collaborating with faculty, staff, and administrators to identify priorities, opportunities, and challenges. We used interactive online tools to synthesize program requirements, people counts, room data, and the course schedule into a comprehensive space model. Through an iterative process, we used the model to estimate future needs with a focus on the learning environment, the work environment, and interaction spaces. The resulting program suggested an appropriate mix of new construction and renewal, and led to a long-term facility strategy. It also helped convince Wharton faculty to teach additional early morning classes. In the short-term, we developed several complex move sequences to address immediate concerns, relieve pressure, and reinforce collaboration. Our tools graphically illustrated these sequences in a way that made consequences clear to university leadership, accounted for square footage changes, and reduced the complexity of what was thought to be an unsolvable problem.

DumontJanks team members led the development of the above project while employed by Sasaki Associates, Inc. DumontJanks is not associated with Sasaki.